With having to go to work, keep up with my medical reading (which I must say I am still very far behind in), cleaning, laundry, and watching the kids (the last 3 predominantly occupying most of ben's time), there hasn't been much time to keep up this blog and to post on our travel adventures since we arrived here in Melbourne. We have had quite a few, and we came with the intention of logging it all down on this blog, as a memory for us to look back on.... the places we visited, the food we ate, the people we met, and the places we vowed to return to.
So, to make up for lost time, and for simplicity, I've decided that maybe we should work our way forwards, and record the ongoings..... and along the way, work in the events of the past 3 months when we have the time. Yes..... it has been 3 months already since we first arrived.... somehow, time flies when you're busy ;-)
Last weekend was a super long weekend for us.... it included Good Friday, ANZAC day, and a public holiday in lieu of Easter, making it a total of a 5 day long weekend.
We started that off by going to Geelong with Uncle Tony and Auntie Lin on a fishing trip. We must really thank Uncle and Auntie for allowing us to tag along, because they had everything needed for the fishing trip (the rod, the line, the hook, the tackle, the bait, and very importantly, the licence and the "know-how"), and always ensured that we were well fed, and the kids were entertained.
Fishing for the kids started off with some excitement. Everyone wanted to hold the rod, cast the line, and reel in (even though there was no bite yet). However, patience was something that they are still developing, and it was not before long when they started to get bored.... so we ate sandwiches, drank milo/coffee, and played by the jetty while waiting for some bite.
We ended up having to go to 3 places before the real action began. After hauling up a variety of different kinds of seaweed, Ben finally caught a flathead ;-) Call it beginner's luck (or prayers by the kids to be able to catch and reel in some real fish!), Ben was the only person on that jetty who ended up catching any fish. Of course there were a few that were too small (and didn't make the length cut) and ended up having to be thrown back into the sea, but the kids managed to touch and feel a real moving fish, and they were happy with the thrills of hauling up a real fish that they caught.
Although we didn't have a chance to taste the first catch, I was told that the flathead tasted good ;-) Ben is now itching to get his own tackle box, rod and line, and go to Williamstown while the kids are in school, to try his hand at fishing again..... Maybe he will make a fisherman out of Elijah?
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