E celebrated his 1st Birthday on 1 June 2011. Unlike his 2 older brothers, who had rather "extensive" 1 year old parties, we celebrated E's 1st birthday "more extensively" by having a week long "celebration" in Tasmania…..
We had a great time together in the outdoors, but more of that later.
On the night of the 1st of June 2011, we had chinese take-away to celebrate E's birthday. The meal was unmemorable, but the celebration was, and so was the reason for the celebration. E, dressed in his best PJs, smiled sweetly for the camera, and was all ready to eat his cake…. in fact, I somehow think he was rather exasperated after awhile, and wondered why the singing and photo taking was taking so long, and why we hadn't gotten to the best part yet…. the birthday muffin!
The last 1 year has really flown by, and it seems like just yesterday when you were born, and you looked so little and fragile when we brought you home. Papa was initially quite afraid to carry you, coz he was afraid he might drop you or crush you, but I guess you proved to be a real survivor, judging by what your 2 older brothers have done to you.

I'm not sure if it's because we were going through this for the 3rd time, but I will always remember you as a really easy and happy baby.
You are your brothers' darling. They would be grumpy to everyone in the morning except you, and would smother you with hugs and kisses no end. They would talk for you, and could read your mind, knowing your likes and dislikes. They always shared what they were eating in the car with you (even if it was not baby appropriate food, and even if it was not good for you), and would gladly baby sit and play with you while Papa was cooking or clearing up. In fact, when you woke up and cried, or had a difficult time going to sleep, your 2 brothers would either try to "rescue" you, or soothe you, pat you and try to put you to bed. We can tell that you love them too, the way you hold their hand when they are crying in the car, or pat their back and try to give them a hug.

The last 4 months spent with Papa has been, I think, one of the best 4 months for Papa. You have been like an extension of him, going everywhere with him, and doing everything with him. You have been ever so patient, knowing that Papa only has 2 hands, and 2 feet, and I am really proud of you that you are able to sit down and play on your own, or watch patiently as we cook, clean and wash up. I think you will be a great cook when you grow up, judging from your love of food, and your early head start of hours of sitting in the kitchen ;-)

We love you E, and pray that God will continue to bless you with a tender heart, and a love for Him and his people….. Happy 1st Birthday!
Text by Mummy and pics by Papa