Since Elijah arrived, I have been plagued by a constant worry each time Andrea calls. I fear she will tell me that Dylan climbed into E's cot and sat on his face or that Caleb swung E around and dislocated his arm. These are the less worrying damages that I fear the 2 "big" brothers will inflict on E.
I can't say that these fears are entirely irrational. I also grew up in a family of 3 sibs where the oldest brother did cajole the middle child to chew steak made of rubber pieces with lots of ketchup on top and wrestled with the youngest brother, who is 12 years younger, until my parents' bed broke. It didn't help that I was the oldest brother and more often than not, behavioural traits are hereditary.

Thankfully, neither C nor D have given me any cause for worry. In fact both of them have been exemplary.
C has been a great brother to D, and that has rubbed off. Here's D trying to help E change diapers.
I guess my worries are unfounded, at least for now...